Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Swaps Received and Haircut Tomorrow

Well, I'm glad to say that the two swap packages that I sent recently have been received. They both said that they love them. The both posted pictures. So now I am swap free for a while. I am trying really hard not to swap for awhile, at least until I can catch up on some of the things I NEED to finish. And get a little house work done, and save up a bit more money (we're a little broke right now.) So I need to try to resist temptation (like this one swap on craftster.... oh it is a scavenger hunt one.... oh I want to so bad.... no, I can't! BUT I WANNA!)

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow. I am a bit nervous. I have pretty much always had really long hair. About the shortest I have really gone is to my shoulders because everytime I go into the hairstylist they always talk me out of cutting it really short. I see so many really cute styles on other people that are really short and I want to try it. Not to mention I HATE doing my hair, 90% of the time it just ends up in some sort of ponytail. So this time I am doing it. I can donate it to Locks-of-Love again (I try to every year.) if I get it REALLY short. I do have a fuller face (I'm a bit on the heavier side too) but I don't care. I want it short!!! So this is what I'm thinking.

Isn't she cute I have no idea who she is, but a friend of mine sent it to me thinking it would be cute on me.
So I'll try to post pictures tomorrow of my before and after.

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